Installing Jekyll Site Locally

- 1 min

This is a generic walk-through for setting up a jekyll site on your local machine. This is mainly a reminder for myself because I always seem to forget when setting up on a new or different machine!

Get a theme

Use your favourite search engine to find a jekyll theme you like (or make your own!). Here’s an example. Theme authors usually include theme installation instructions; follow those and download and install any required dependencies. Below are steps common to all themes.

Install ruby and associated ruby-dev

Jekyll runs on ruby, so we’ll need to install it. There’s also some dependencies on ruby-dev, so lets get that too:

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev

Install Jekyll and Bundler

Jekyll is the static site generator that builds the markup for the site. Install it using gem:

gem install jekyll bundler

For more info and options, see:

Install NodeJS (Required for certain themes)

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Specific instructions:

If you’re missing Gemfile

I somehow manage to be missing a Gemfile when a clone into my site’s repo for the first time on a new machine, which throws errors when attempting to do bundle install. If you get those errors, make a Gemfile:

touch Gemfile
sudo vim Gemfile

Here’s the Gemfile from the theme linked above (your’s might be different):

source ''

gem 'github-pages'
gem 'html-proofer'
gem 'jekyll-admin'

Serve site locally

You should now be ready to serve the site locally. Run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

You should see:

Server address:
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Browse to the server address to view your site.


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